Shaving is a routine most of us follow regularly, but there’s always been a debate about whether it’s better to shave before or after you shower. This depends on whether you are removing hair from your body or shaving your face, and on the tools you use. Please see the analysis below to help you make an informed decision.
Electric Razors or Manual Razors
If you use an electric razor, it’s best to shave first then take a shower, as you want your whiskers to be stiff and stand up. Be sure to dry your skin completely. Electric shavers are best for dry skin because moisture can cause the shaver to pull at the hairs, causing discomfort and potential irritation.
A tip for preparing shaver, well-charged shaver will perform better and be less likely to pinch or pull your hair. If your shaver has a cleaning station, use it to ensure the blades are sharp and free from debris.
If you use a manual razor, immediately after is supposed to work better. Having your whiskers softer, from the water, allows them to be sliced through easier, and avoid pulling on them. Shaving after you shower means your hair is softer and easier to cut. The warm water from the shower helps to open your pores and soften the hair, making it easier to get a close shave. After showering, your skin is more hydrated. This can help prevent razor burn and make it easier to apply post-shave products like aftershave or moisturizer.
Body Shaving or Face Shaving
For body hair removal during the shower is easiest and best. Shaving in a shower works well for under arm, legs, arms and the pubic area. One of the biggest advantages of shaving in the shower is that the warm water helps to soften both the hair and the skin. This makes the hair easier to cut and reduces the risk of irritation and razor burn. When you use a multi-layer razor, the aloe vera strip on the razor blade will secrete lubricant when it comes into contact with water, which makes it smoother to shave in the shower. And for shaving the body, you can probably do it in the shower without shaving in front of the mirror, which is why you can choose to shave in the shower when you shave.
Skin is nice and warm and moist and softened from the shower as well. After shaving, apply a moisturizer to soothe and hydrate your skin. This helps to reduce irritation and keeps your skin soft and smooth.
For men or women face shaving, since we can’t see our face clearly while taking a shower, a mirror in the shower, just gets steamed up and you can’t see anything. This can make it harder to see what you’re doing, especially if you don’t have a fog-free mirror. So shaving immediately after the shower before skin gets a chance to dry out. Both men and women will not irritate their skin if they shave then, but will instead get a smoother, cleaner shave. And shaving after shower would make our facial hairs softer and more easier to shave your face.
If you use a manual razor before showering, don’t skip this 4-minute routine:
Wash your face before you shave toremove any dirt and oil
Use a warm wet town on your face to soften your hair for easy removal
Consider finding a moisturizer to alleviate dryness and reduce redness after shaving.A fragrance free moisturizer is theleast likely to irritate your skin
Prep the sink by filling it partially withwater. The razor is easily cleaned outby shaking it in an inch or two of water.
Whether you choose to shave after taking a shower or do beauty treatments before taking a shower, remember to moisturize your skin and apply a moisturizer to soothe your skin. This helps to reduce irritation and keeps your skin soft and smooth.